This is the first time I have used the Picker under SwiftUI. Simple insight – the OS decides which appearance your picker takes on. Of course you can decide that yourself. Now I had the strange behaviour that when I selected an entry of 5 pickers, all pickers were run through. My pickers are in a form. In this form a NavigationView. Solution of the problem was the Section. This example is not suitable for copy-paste because you are missing the data source. This is for illustration purposes only.
import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State public var selectedCrossSection = 0 @State private var selectedColor = 0 @State private var selectedLength = 0 @State private var selectedEyelet1 = 0 @State private var selectedEyelet2 = 0 var selCrossSectionStr = "" @ObservedObject var oListDatasource = ListDataSource() var body: some View { NavigationView{ VStack (spacing: 10) { Form { Section { Picker(selection: self.$selectedCrossSection, label: Text("Querschnitt")) { ForEach(self.oListDatasource.CrossSections, id: \.self) { item in Text(item.CrossSection).tag(item.rowIndex) } } //.pickerStyle(SegmentedPickerStyle()).foregroundColor( .font(Font.custom("ArialMT", size: 12)) .onReceive([self.selectedCrossSection].publisher.first()) { (value) in print(self.oListDatasource.CrossSections[self.selectedCrossSection].CrossSection) } } Section { Picker(selection: self.$selectedColor, label: Text("Farbe")) { ForEach(self.oListDatasource.Colors) { item in Text(item.Color).tag(item.rowIndex) } } //.pickerStyle(SegmentedPickerStyle()).foregroundColor( .font(Font.custom("ArialMT", size: 12)) } Section { Picker(selection: self.$selectedLength, label: Text("Länge")) { ForEach(self.oListDatasource.Lengths) { item in Text(item.Length).tag(item.rowIndex) } } .font(Font.custom("ArialMT", size: 12)) } Section { Picker(selection: $selectedEyelet1, label: Text("Öse 1")) { ForEach(oListDatasource.Eyelets) { item in Text(item.Eyelet).tag(item.rowIndex) } } .font(Font.custom("ArialMT", size: 12)) } Section { Picker(selection: $selectedEyelet2, label: Text("Öse 2")) { ForEach(oListDatasource.Eyelets) { item in Text(item.Eyelet).tag(item.rowIndex) } } .font(Font.custom("ArialMT", size: 12)) } } NavigationLink(destination: ListItems(selectedCrossSection: selectedCrossSection)) { Text("Liste").frame(width: 100) } } .navigationBarTitle("Kabelshop") } } }

- Navigation view style.
- Wheel picker.
- Segmented picker.
- Date picker style.
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