Amazon MWS XML Feed Sample CountryOfOrigin

VonTobias Stephan

Amazon MWS XML Feed Sample CountryOfOrigin

The CountryOfOrigin field is now a required field when sending product feeds via Amazon MWS Api. Actually a small thing, but sometimes it is a real struggle to figure out where to insert the value. Important to know…the country code is entered with 2 characters as value, so here in the example with UK.

<?xml version=„1.0“ encoding=„UTF-8“?> <AmazonEnvelope> <Header> <DocumentVersion>1.01</DocumentVersion> <MerchantIdentifier>A2BKDHGADKHKH</MerchantIdentifier> </Header> <MessageType>Product</MessageType> <PurgeAndReplace>false</PurgeAndReplace> <Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OperationType>Update</OperationType> <Product> <SKU>16001</SKU> <StandardProductID> <Type>ASIN</Type> <Value>B07TXABCD3</Value> </StandardProductID> <Condition> <ConditionType>New</ConditionType> <ConditionNote /> </Condition> <DescriptionData> <Title>Fork cable lug 10mm2 to 16mm2 M6 insulated 4x ring eye Press eye Crimp cable lug blue</Title> <Brand>eXODA</Brand> <Description>High-quality press eye of the manufacturer eXODA. This ring eyelet is characterised by the fact that a manufacturing process was used here, that guarantees accuracy. Diameter specifications for the cross section of the cable or screw inlet are exact and perfect. They can be pressed or soldered for correct processing. The unit in mm² describes the cross-section of the cable. The diameter of the opening for the eyelet is represented by the M specification in millimeters. The inside and outside diameters represent the diameter of the opening for the cable to be inserted. cable. When selecting the right article or the right press eye, it is important to pay attention, that the cable cross section and cable diameter are not the same. The cable cross section describes the area in mm² when looking at the interface. The insulation is made of nylon, we therefore recommend according to Open the package to consume the contents in 3 months.</Description> <BulletPoint>Suitable for cable cross section: 10mm2 to 16mm2 corresponds to 3.6 mm to 4.5 mm diameter</BulletPoint> <BulletPoint>Diameter of screw opening: 6 mm</BulletPoint> <BulletPoint>Inner diameter: 6 mm unpressed</BulletPoint> <BulletPoint>Diameter at the outer insulation Cable lug: 11 mm unpressed</BulletPoint> <BulletPoint>Diameter Insulation for cable entry inside: 9 mm outside: 11.7 mm</BulletPoint> <PackageDimensions> <Length unitOfMeasure=„CM“>10</Length> <Width unitOfMeasure=„CM“>9.8</Width> <Height unitOfMeasure=„CM“>1.2</Height> </PackageDimensions> <Manufacturer>eBrand</Manufacturer> <MfrPartNumber>16001</MfrPartNumber> <SearchTerms>car battery cable</SearchTerms> <SearchTerms>car battery cable connectors</SearchTerms> <RecommendedBrowseNode>1342892031</RecommendedBrowseNode> <CountryOfOrigin>DE</CountryOfOrigin> <IsExpirationDatedProduct>false</IsExpirationDatedProduct> </DescriptionData> <ProductData> <HomeImprovement> <ProductType> <Hardware /> </ProductType> </HomeImprovement> </ProductData> <IsHeatSensitive>false</IsHeatSensitive> </Product> </Message> </AmazonEnvelope>

„“< xsd:element name=“CountryOfOrigin“ type=“CountryOfOriginType“ minOccurs=“0″/>““

For the „CountryOfOriginType“ attribute, the rules allow valid values as follows: „value=“[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]|unknown““

Über den Autor

Tobias Stephan administrator

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